In the early stage of economic development as seen in Myanmar now, fisheries industry
may play important roles in supplying protein to people and acquiring foreign
currencies. Therefore, we consider the possibility of fisheries industry in Myanmar by
comparing it with those in Thailand and Vietnam that have developed them successfully.
As a result, the followings were found. In Myanmar, the weight of inland fisheries that
lack marketability is very high. In addition, marine fisheries, for which global demand
is expected to grow, face resource constraints. For shrimp culture usually farmed in
brackish water areas, the production in Myanmar is much less than that in Vietnam
and Thailand. In spite of the improved accessibility of foreign capitals, it is lagged
behind the experience of Vietnam which introduced open economy in 1986, in terms of
comparative advantage and increase in export. However, there is an enough room for
converting paddy field to shrimp ponds in Myanmar. Therefore, shrimp industry will be
expected to develop if social infrastructure such as stable supply of electricity and
transportation network as well as shrimp hatchery stations and feed supply are
successfully arranged.
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